Monday, March 06, 2006

Back to life

Well, the auctions are over and with a preliminary count of items already paid, we're over the $7,000 mark. How thrilling!! Thanks to EVERYONE who made this such a success. I'm so excited i could burst into a million pieces.

Today it's back to the grind. Got some eggs on Universal Mama tonight. I'm going to work on getting that pattern ready to release. I figure it makes a nice friend to the pumpkin pattern. Of course it's as simple as could be, but worked up in Mosaic Moon yarn they look great! Of course you could also make them in natural and dye them in egg dyes.

Of course eggs wouldn't be complete without bunnies. So I'm working on those, too. The Squid calls him "the Mister Bunny" and she's been hiding eggs all around the house (mostly like in the middle of the living room floor) and when i open my eyes and go to look for them, she runs up to an egg, does a whole Carol Merrill thing and says "aha!" Two year olds rock.


Blogger Marnie said...

I've been wondering if i should just stick it on the site with the rest of them.

10:14 PM  

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