Monday, May 22, 2006


Got to Riverside park at 10am. Glorious day! I set up where I was last year, right on the pier, in front of the old mill that sits rustically and inexplicably in the middle of the Hudson River near the 72nd street exit on the West Side Highway.

Set up my table. I had a bunch of stuff - all mama-made - from friends around the country. It was a great table. I had several toys I knitted, and this little corner which marked the debut of a T-shirt line I'm working on with my friend Christy who is a scary-talented embroiderer and designer in Texas. All of the "feminist" t-shirts sold were for boys. Every. Single. One. It's a brave new world, my friends.

Things were going well, the music rocked, the children were all having a blast - as were, the mamas, of course - the burgers and dogs were grilling... it was a lovely day. until.


Not to be discouraged, my friend Alyson (the Mamapalooza organizer) and her band BETTY sang under the overpass into a Parks and Rec services megaphone. Now that's dedication. And the upside to being a rock band with strong harmonies and a knack for performing a cappella.

That's Elizabeth Ziff in the foreground. I can't believe she's smiling. Quintessential performers, those women.

These are two of The Squid's teachers, from The Greatest Preschool of All Time. Blanca and Willie are such gluttons for punishment that they spent their day OFF huddled under the overpass with a bunch of wet kids, entertaining them while the soggy parents huddled under the food tent slurping watery beer.

And get this. They're both childless.

And yet.

We finally called it a day and hopped into a taxi, where I discovered that My Kid the Squid and Alyson were, despite the rain, sporting the same sunglasses. and the same hair.

and because this is a knitting blog. Check out the progress on my Gable. I'm ready to rib and add sleeves. Love the pattern.


Blogger Pamelamama said...

sounds like a fun day despite the rain!

10:34 PM  

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