Knit Picks vs. Addi - Head to Head

Let's start here, shall we? Here you see a Knit Picks Options 5.5/US 9 needle on the left, and an Addi Turbo 5.5/US 9 needle on the right. It's hard to show just how much pointier the KP needle is. It's a notable difference, as the cracked calluses on my fingers will attest.

Side by side (Addi on top, KP on the bottom). Though the KP needle is pointier, both needles measure 1.5cm from the very tip to the end of the slope. I'm not expressing that very well. From the pointy bit to the regular roundy bit it measures 1.5cm. Both times.

This is the extremely smooth join on the interchangeable KP needles. You can also see the "keyhole". That key is going to be the bane of my existence, but it works. I'm hoping they come up with something more convenient (and less easily lost) very soon.

This is the cross-section of the cable I cut open. Nothing much to see, but I thought I'd put it here anyway. It's purple. All the way through.
Now for the stuff that I found most interesting.

When the Addi gets a kink in the cable, it's a bend with a twist.

With the KP needle, I had to really pinch it hard to get a significant bend in it. But there's no twist, just bend. And the bend I made in it this afternoon is already gone. So I don't think these are permanent creases. But even if they are, you can buy new cables for less than $5 instead of having to buy the whole shebang.

Most painful for me is when that kink happens right at the join. The Addi gets a sharp little edge there when you bend it hard right at the join. This edge snags yarn. Ask me how I know.

Though I can see the separation in this photo, it doesn't feel as rough to the touch. I coudn't snag even my snaggiest boucle yarn on this edge.
And now, check this out.

That, my friends, is one seriously flexible cable. I noticed today while I was knitting flat using the KP circs that it's almost too flexible. When I let go of one side of the Addis when knitting flat, in order to turn the work, the needle I release just sort of stays there, hovering in midair until I reach for it again. The Knit Picks needle cable isn't stiff so it doesn't just hover in space; it drops and dangles. And I have to fumble for it. Over and over and over and over. I'm sure I looked crazy as a loon (Happy Canada Day!) dropping and bumbling for my needle over and over while standing at the bus stop.
The bottom line is, I'm not throwing the Addis out the window. But I see no reason at all why I'd need to buy more of them. At this point, I feel that whenever I find myself in need of needles, I'll buy the Knit Picks. Of course I reserve the right to change my mind. After all, it's only been one day.
You've convinced me! Thanks for the comparison review.
I'm very glad you wrote this. I've been looking for good needles, and have for the time being been using plain old aluminum bought at the craft store. But with my birthday approaching, I wanted to get an idea of what needles I really -want-. I'm gonna see about getting a set of the circs from Knit-Picks as see how they feel for me now. :)
Oooh... I like the pointy tips... and I knew exactly what you meant. Thanks for this. :)
Excellent review!
Thanks for posting, I know this kind of "analysis" takes time. You've convinced me, I"m buying...
Great review. I love the sound of the flexible cable (what a contrast to boyles!). Unfortunately, I'm a danger to myself with pointy - so sticking to the denises for now until something less harmful comes around.
Awesome review!
So I tried the swift thing with my three year old. He thought it was hilarious and I managed to get four skeins wound and I'm usually lucky to get one done. So, my thanks to Curious George!
I am glad you like them. I may have to get some when they restock
Thank you so much for the pictures, this is a very educational posting. I was planning on getting some Addis but I think it's the hype. I am pretty satisfied with the KPs I have. You have saved me money I'm sure!
I know this post was created years ago, but I just came across it and had to comment! Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU for posting this. Your pictures are awesome and exactly what I was looking for. I have 3 Addi circulars and like them a lot, but the tips just weren't as sharp as I was wanting. I am for sure going to order some KnitPicks ASAP.
Your comparison is the best on Addi vs KnitPicks that I've been able to find (I've been looking for awhile too!). Again, Thank you!
Thank you thank you thank you for these photos! I've been trying to figure out which set of interchangeables to buy and I'd had it narrowed down to Addi Turbos or Knit Picks. Addi Turbos were supposed to have a really supple cable, but thank GOD I saw this review before I bought them; it ended up making my decision for me. Those sharp points & that flexible cable are the be-all and end-all for me. Knit Picks, here I come!
I like my knit picks too. They have a memory which usually is a positive thing. However, if they remember a kink, it's not a good thing.
After trying the usual remedies, I emailed the company and they were happy to send me another circ free of charge. [and I didn't have to go to the trouble of sending the other one back.] Good customer service!
I couldn't agree with you more. I've had my Addi-Clicks for a year now. I really loved them at first, but soon after I was missing pointy tips. This past weekend some of my friends went to a cute little yarn shop in Sedona. I saw the Knit Picks and knew I had to buy a couple to try out. Hey, why not!?! The price was very affordable!!! Just yesterday I made the call and ordered the complete set. I can not put these needles down...I LOVE THEM!!! Now I'm wishing I never spent all that money on the Clicks. Oh well!!! Thanks for the great review!
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